Vintage Powerhouse: Cabot Hydroelectric Station Turns 100

Vintage Powerhouse: Cabot Hydroelectric Station Turns 100

Join us for refreshments and a look back in time at the Opening Reception for “Vintage Powerhouse:  Cabot Station –  One Hundred Year Retrospective” on  Saturday, April  9th, from 1:00 until 3:30 p.m.. at the Great Falls Discovery Center.  This exhibit features  historical photographs dating from the early 1900s.  Together, these photos tell the story of the construction of the new concrete dam at Turners Falls, new power station and the power canal expansion.  At the time of its construction and for many years after, Cabot Station was the largest hydroelectric facility east of Niagara Falls.  This exhibit will run through May 28th.  Free!

Relive history as you walk through Cabot Station on this special 100th anniversary guided tour on Saturday, June 11th and Sunday, June 12th, between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.  Cabot Station began generating electricity in 1916, supplying power to the Montague area and communities throughout the Connecticut River Valley.  Enjoy this unique opportunity to see inside a working power station on these free, forty minute tours highlighting the history of this hydroelectric station on the banks of the Connecticut River. Today, much of the original equipment is still in use. Tours begin at 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, noon and 12:30.   Close-toed shoes (no sandals) and photo id required.  The tour route includes some uneven footing and several flights of narrow stairs. A Cabot Station Turbine Floor Tour, scheduled at noon, is appropriate for anyone with limited mobility. These tours are appropriate for ages 10 and older. Please register on-line at or by calling 1-800-859-2960.

Posted in Events.