BIG SHOW: Saturday, September 24 at the Shea Theater.
WORKSHOPS: June 26, July 10, August 14, September 11
at Cosa Rara 113 Ave A, Turners Falls, 2-5pm
Sponsored by Cosa Rara, Suzee’s Third St. Laundry, and Turners Falls RiverCulture
This community project is a celebration of the transformation of the ordinary to the extraordinary – from discarded to glorious!. We are viewing the theme as expansive, as a theme that can encompass any moment when we get to appreciate the spectacular that lies inside the mundane.
Your are invited to participate as a MODEL, DESIGNER, PHOTOGRAPHER, SEWER, or help us plan the fashion show at THE SHEA. No experience is necessary. Do as much or as little as you want! Workshops are planned throughout the summer to transform garments. Use the workshop to prepare for the show or just to have a fun afternoon. These workshops are free and open to the public. Materials and equipment is provided.

Grab bags of clothes now available at Cosa Rara!
GRAB BAGS: There are two size grab bags to take home. Large bags contain between 11 and 13 garments to transform into three complete “looks” for the fashion show. The small “bundles” contain between 5 and 7 garments to be transformed into one or two “looks” for the fashion show. More clothes or different selections are also available at Cosa Rara. You can pick up a large bag at Cosa Rara or smaller “bundles” at Cosa Rara, and Suzee’s Third Street Laundromat. NOTE: Finished outfits must contain at least 50% used/recycled clothes.
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