RiverCulture presents “It’s A Wonderful Night in Turners Falls” Friday, December 9th from 3-9pm.
Holiday activities for the whole family are planned throughout downtown:
art exhibitions, live music, restaurant specials, performances and unique gift buying opportunities.

Recorder/Trish Crapo
Kids’ Craft: Make a Winter Bird Feeder
Caft a bird feeder for our winter friends. Which birds will show up? What do they like to eat? All ages. Bird feeder making continues on Saturday. 12-2 pm. free!
Great Falls Discovery Center, 2 Avenue A, 3-6pm
Write a Wish List for Santa or Create a Greeting Card
Montague Catholic Social Ministries, 78 Avenue A, 3- 6:30pm
Family Dance Party
All ages, 30 minute dance party! Bring your kids, bring your grandma, dance in a chair, dance up with your eyes shut, dance how you like!
The Brick House Community Resource Center, 24 Third Street, 5:30 – 6pm
Santa Arrives at Spinner Park
Live Music, Hot Chocolate and a Tree Lighting
Bring a Wish for the Magic Mailbox!
Avenue A and Fourth Street, 6:30pm
Welcome Yule– Midwinter Music, Dance, Songs & Stories
The 32nd annual Welcome Yule Midwinter Celebration celebrates the return of the light with a festive family show filled with music, dance, songs and stories to drive the dark away. This year, they bring the interplay of darkness and light, day and night to the stage with the classic tale of Reynard the cunning fox and Chanticleer the proud rooster, set in a mythical medieval hamlet.
The Shea Theater, 71 Avenue A, 7:30pm. Tickets $12 adult. $10 kids. 4 and under free. brownpapertickets.
Tasting (21+)
Connecticut River Liquors, 123 Avenue A, 4-6pm
Montague Reporter Fundraiser
Scrumptious food prepared by chef Chris Menegoni. $30.00.
Half of the proceeds go to The Montague Reporter. Cash bar.
Great Falls Harvest Restaurant, 50 Third Street, 6-9pm
Classic Rock by Scott Kuzmeskus (Acoustic)
Black Cow Burger Bar, 125 Avenue A, 5-9pm
Game cards available at LOOT & Black Cow Burger Bar
Enter to win $200 in gift certificates redeemable at participating businesses.